Our mission at AT Rehab is to find ways of getting technology to work for those with a wide range of disabilities.
Director & Rehabilitation AT Consultant
Steve was employed as a social worker for over 25 years, of which 14 years were spent on secondment to the Nottingham Traumatic Brain Injury Service, where he worked as a case manager. Prior to training as a social worker, Steve had worked in the electronics and computer hardware industry and had always known that technology could be of immense benefit to people with disabilities.
He started AT Rehab (then called Steve Wiseman Associates) in 2001, primarily offering a service to people who had sustained an acquired brain injury. The business continues to go from strength to strength and serves clients with a wide range of disabilities and, of course, their families and carers.
With a background in both technology and rehabilitation, Steve is well-placed to ensure that the service he provides for clients will promote their recovery and will be fully congruent with the treatment offered by all therapists who are working with that individual.
Rehabilitation AT Consultant
Keith is an occupational therapist with a passion for technology and its potential to enable participation in work, education, social-interaction and play. He has worked in hospital and community settings and is valued for his creative and person-centred approach to rehabilitation.
All our lives are becoming increasingly technology-dependent and disabled people are at risk of serious disadvantage if they are excluded from this revolution. It is encouraging to see major device and software manufacturers incorporate powerful accessibility tools into their products. Keith gets very excited when little-known features of mainstream tech enable one of our clients to do a job, learn something, express something or simply enjoy a game.
Clinical Lead & Rehabilitation AT Consultant
Emma qualified as an occupational therapist in 1994 and has worked predominantly in the community with adults and children with physical disabilities, followed by 15 years as a senior lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University, before returning to practice. Emma likes to explore different avenues of technology with people, from environmental controls to the use of phone apps. As a natural problem solver she will consider a range of solutions to best meet the needs of an individual and work with them and their carers to promote independence.
In her research for her master’s degree Emma found that users can be reluctant to use assistive technology because of its appearance and so she is keen to ensure that any adaptations are provided in a way that promotes inclusion.
She continues to teach as an associate lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University. Using the same skills as she does in practice, Emma ensures that online learning is simple, interesting and inclusive to all, no matter what the level of technology knowledge is.
Emma is also the clinical lead within the team.
Rehabilitation AT Consultant
Russ is as an occupational therapist who works with both adults and children with a range of disabilities. He has a postgraduate qualification in the field of ergonomics and also has teaching qualifications in both mainstream education and for those with additional learning needs.
Russ has more than 20 years experience in helping people to develop their full potential. His interest in using technology to enable people includes communication, environmental control, photography and music creation technology and extends to engineering solutions if they are not readily available, for example he will modify children’s toys to enable them to be switch controlled. However, he also recognises that simple strategies can often be the most effective, especially when coupled with person-centred support and tuition, and training for carers and family members.
Russ was awarded Unsung Rehabilitation Champion of the Year by Rehabilitation First in 2016.
Rehabilitation AT Consultant
Lizzie has been working in the area of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) and assistive technology for over 15 years now, with 10 years spent working as a qualified teacher within the special education sector.
Lizzie loves all things related to assistive technology, but her real passion is AAC. She is enthusiastic about supporting individuals who have communication difficulties to build independence by putting customised solutions in place, whether straightforward or complex. She has a flexible approach and her work is always driven by the individual and their unique needs and preferences.
Lizzie can advise individuals with decisions on hardware, access methods and language packages as well as setting up environmental controls, music, social media and other fun stuff. She is happiest when programming and creating personalised content. Training and support is crucial in helping a person to reach their goals, and Lizzie enjoys helping clients and the people around them to feel confident using their technology.
Lizzie very much believes that assistive technology can help to educate and entertain, promote rehabilitation and increase independence. Whatever the need, there is always a solution that can be made to help each individual.
Development Lead & Rehabilitation AT Consultant
During my time as a teacher, I developed a particular interest in exploring the ways that technology could allow children of all needs to thrive in my classroom. Fundamental to the success of these solutions was the ability to collaborate primarily with the child as well as the adults around them – parents, carers and other teachers in school.
In my current role as an assistive technologist, what excites me most is the advances being made in mainstream technology which enable increasing levels of independence and participation at an exponential rate.
Rehabilitation AT Consultant
I have a strong belief in the value of meaningful and purposeful occupation in contributing to a person’s health and wellbeing. I have specialised in the area of assistive technology, as it offers further opportunities to enhance a person’s ability to successfully participate in self-care, productive and leisure occupations as well as to ensure they are able to access and engage with the world around them through communication aids or environmental controls.
Rehabilitation AT Consultant
I love how technology can allow our clients to do things that otherwise they wouldn’t be able to do, for example control their bed position despite having no upper limb function. I very much see myself as part of a wider team and love working with others to allow the clients maximise their potential.
Rehabilitation AT Consultant
Through finding solutions for students in the classroom and working alongside a broad range of agencies, it was early on in my teaching career that I found a passion for assistive technology. The response from a client who realises they now can control their environment and have the empowerment of choice is something that I strive to recreate with each tailored case.
Rehabilitation AT Consultant
I am a creative professional who works hard to find person-centred solutions for clients, with the focus always being to enable them to reach their short and long-term goals. I have extensive experience working with people with a range of needs and love that I can make a difference to their lives.
Rehabilitation AT Consultant
I am an innovative and dedicated professional with extensive experience in digital technology, inclusive practice and project management. I am confident in leading teams, managing large-scale projects and providing specialised training. I am passionate about utilising technology to create inclusive and supportive learning environments. I am committed to continuous learning and professional development in assistive technologies and AI applications.